Housing Loan (HDB Loan or Bank Loan)
In deciding between HDB Loan and Bank Loan, it is carefully considering your financial situation, risk tolerance and long-term plans. An HDB Loan provides stability and lower interest rates, while Bank Loan offers flexibility and potential for lower interest rates.
For HDB Loan, you can apply HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) through HDB Flat Portal. The HFE letter is valid for 9 months from the date of issue. And for Bank Loan, you can check your In-Principal Approval (IPA) with financial institution first.
You can apply for HDB loan if you and your essential occupiers meet ALL these conditions.
Bank Loan Chart
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd
3 Bishan Place
#05-01 CPF Bishan Building
Singapore 579838
CEA Reg No. RO55635E
CEA Agency No: L3008899K